Here at Kathy’s Music we take a truly unique approach to Musical Theatre.

We have strong beliefs and a guiding vision for the experience we want to create for our Musical Theatre students.

Our Goals for Musical Theatre:

1)         For the students to be the shining stars of the production, rather than the sets and costuming.
2)         To turn ownership of the production over to the students in a way that promotes growth, leadership, collaboration, and creativity.
3)         To teach the skills and common practices associated with dramatic play.
4)         To use the production as a means to build on the vocal development foundation introduced in other experiences.
5)         To promote self-confidence for every individual, regardless of their role or responsibilities in the production.
6)         To invite participation in the creation of props, costumes, sets, program, and other technical theater needs.
7)         To promote a true sense of community between members of the cast, crew, teachers, and directors.
8)         To share our love of music and theatre with our local community.

Enroll in our Musical Theatre Summer Camp for ages 6-10, “A Mighty Medieval Musical” which is offered in Mt. Lebanon and Robinson. The performance will be Friday, July 26th at 7:00 PM at Cefalo’s in Carnegie, PA.

The Broadway musical, School House Rock LIVE! JR., will be in production as part of our camp for ages 10-15 years August 5-9th from 1-4 PM daily.
Spaces are limited so enroll today. Your enrollment includes a special audition night experience, the musical t-shirt, and 2 tickets to the performance, along with a script and rehearsal tracks. A cast party will be held after the performance to celebrate our student performers.
The performance will be Friday, August 9th at 7:00 PM at Cefalo’s in Carnegie, PA. Tickets are $10/each with limited seating.