Studio Singers is our group voice class for ages 6-9 which focuses on laying the best vocal groundwork in young voices within a supportive musical community. However, it is more than just singing together in a group! Much like a treble clef lies on top of the five lines of the staff, Studio Singers focuses on five different areas which serve to build a foundation for further vocal and musical growth for these treble voices.

Vocal Technique

 The cornerstone goal of Studio Singers is to develop strong vocal technique with exercises and repertoire designed specifically for younger voices. These songs promote vocal growth while protecting the developing voice.

Pitch and Reading

Having a secure sense of pitch and intonation is necessary for all musicians, especially singers. In Studio Singers we use solfege and interval identification to progress accurate pitch and beginning sight reading. 

Musicality and Movement

In Studio Singers we work to learn about dynamics, articulation, and tempo in music through not only our voices but also movement.

Confidence and Creativity

We believe that each voice should be heard in Studio Singers and include various opportunities for students to share their own ideas in a supportive environment, enabling growth in self-confidence and creativity. 


Studio Singers provides a group vocal experience that allows students to begin their adventure into part-singing. It is more than a choir or cast, though. It is a community where teachers and children encourage one another on their musical journey.    

Studio Singers focuses on developing young voices while establishing strong musicianship skills. We use the Full Voice curricula and workbooks, a proven resource for over 20 years. It’s perfect for young singers. It incorporates solfeggio, rhythms, dynamics, etc, in a fun and integrated way such that the student is learning through playful, engaging lesson components. We invite parents to join us for a December performance that eases students into performing with a low-key atmosphere. The spring performance will be combined with other group lesson classes to celebrate all the progress and showcase case the confidence that comes from singing in a group.