By Kathy Morrison, Director of Kathy’s Music, LLC

What is Social-Emotional Learning?  

Why is it an important part of a Music Classroom?

Social-emotional learning encourages the practice of mindfulness—one of several techniques used in schools to help kids gain social and emotional literacy. “Training in mindfulness—or the ability to pay attention to present thoughts, emotions, and experience without judgment—has been shown to help kids feel less stressed, get along better with teachers and peers, and pay more attention in class.”

Research on the benefits of SEL is hard to ignore. In a 2011 meta-analysis of over 200 studies, scientists found that children who went through SEL programs in their schools had higher levels of social and emotional competency, expressed more positive attitudes toward themselves and others, and engaged in more pro-social—helpful and kind—behaviors than children who didn’t have SEL programs. In addition, problem behaviors, like aggression and truancy, went down in the kids receiving SEL, while academic performance went up significantly—by 11 percentage points—a finding that surprised even the researchers.”

“Some may feel that SEL is a luxury, only to be taught if the “basics” are covered. But research has shown that kids who suffer from high stress—whether rich or poor—can have trouble concentrating at school or may act out in aggressive or self-harmful ways. SEL programs help kids regulate their emotions, reduce stress, and negotiate interpersonal conflicts, all of which create safer, more harmonious learning environments for everyone.”

Kindermusik has been doing social-emotional learning since it’s inception over 30 years ago. With a safe environment, students can and will learn amazing things about themselves, about others, about the world they live in, and definitely about music.  Kindermusik is committed to teaching the “whole-child”, which is unique compared to other curricula.  The research above validates this as a significant reason why Kindermusik is the single-best choice for early childhood music and movement.

Every week in Kindermusik class our teachers are working to develop emotional connections with children and foster positive social experiences that will form community, a sense of belonging, and positive self-esteem. For example, this week in our preschool classes, our lesson focus is “Creating Community in the Classroom for security, for learning, and for pro-social development”. The lesson beautifully weaves the musical learning with the focus on creating community in a seamless way that is age-appropriate and engaging.

Here are a few highlights of this week’s lesson for 3’s & 4’s:

  • Creating Community through Playing Games Together (a charade-like game with signing, matching pitch, and movement)
  • Creating Community through Acknowledgement (inviting each child to share the instrument they made at home and describe the process)
  • Creating Community through Making Music Together (a parade style instrument play-along)
  • Creating Community by Working Together to Tell the Story (our featured story filled with songs, movement, sequencing, beat, dynamics, and more)
  • Creating Community through Community Dancing (our featured circle dance with parents)

Here’s what we know to be true:
The Act of singing and dancing together creates a sense of belonging and a nurturing environment.  Creating a sense of community is an important goal for every Kindermusik class so that children feel safe, connected, and prepared for learning.  Parents are amazed by all that we can and do teach children whether it’s musical, language, cognitive, social, emotional, or physical development.  It all starts with social-emotional learning.

*Quotes from