by Kathy Morrison, Studio Director

Often times we are asked what makes Kindermusik Level 3 for preschoolers so special? How is it different from Level 2? If you’ve spent any time with me over the years, then you know I absolutely LOVE teaching preschoolers in our Level 3 classrooms.

Here are 3 big reasons that matter to me:
1) This is their chance to become more independent as they take class without a parent or care giver guiding them through the activities.
2) This is their chance to express their ideas, create musical stories, and develop an awareness around how they can make music using their body, their voice, and their instruments.
3) This is their chance to develop confidence and create community with others with music as the common bond.
The preschool child is at the heart of all we do in class. It’s not about me and my objectives, it’s about focusing, following, and developing each individual child.

Over the years, parents have shared with us why they love Kindermusik. Here are 3 reasons we’ve heard over and over.

Kindermusik Level 3 complements my child’s preschool experience.
You will see a classroom experience that prepares your child for success in school as they practice inhibitory control, turn taking, and attention skills. You will hear problem solving as the teacher leads a child-centered musical experience that invites creativity and independent thought, while practicing cognitive flexibility.

Kindermusik Level 3 provides real Music Education with musical terminology, develops their singing voices & into ensemble skills, new & more instruments that have not yet been introduced! The work we do in class not only teaches music, but helps your child develop confidence and feel like they belong while giving them a chance to be part of a team where every member contributes to the work! 

Kindermusik Level 3 develops my child’s confidence, teaches them to practices empathy, and builds their social skills.
Your child will feel safe and included as a valued member of the class. As the weeks go by, you will see him or her gain confidence as they share ideas and master new skills. We also practice perspective taking (yet another executive function skill) as we learn together.

Kindermusik Level 3 lays a foundation for our Kindermusik Orchestra class known as Young Child where they will learn to read and write music. This foundation combined with all of the social and emotional development the experience brings is not only special – it’s powerful.

We are helping to create confident, musical children!