Musical Parenting tip:  Listen to different types of music with your Toddler
  • “Different forms and styles are used for specific effects based on the way the rhythm, tempo, melody, and effect have been developed by the composer… Accelerated learning techniques use a variety of music with contrasting elements and effects to create a comprehensive, multifaceted learning experience.” – Rhythms of Learning, Chris Brewer & Don Campbell
  • 25% of classes are auditory learners – is your child one of them?
  • Long & short sounds (legato & staccato) are opposite styles of articulation that can be experienced through a variety of modes, heightening children’s awareness of this element of music.
  • Explore a variety of sounds & music with your child.
  • Take time to read aloud to your child each day.
  • Encourage your child to teach others how to do things. Expressing instructions orally is usually a task auditory learners excel at.
  • Use a device to record your child’s voice and invite them to play these clips back.
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